The complaint of the Elmer family regarding the criminal actions of the Swiss judiciary was submitted to the United Nations on November 2, 2020.As of the end of October 2024, the United Nations has neither taken up the complaint nor acknowledged its receipt in 2020. The United Nations has remained silent on the matter, and it appears now, four years later, that it has no intention of addressing the case. This approach tolerates, if not condones, the abuse of legal rights (e.g., violations of the Nelson Mandela Rules: more than 15 days of solitary confinement; Mr. Elmer endured 217 days of solitary confinement) and infringements of the United Nations Charter through a policy of wilful blindness. Furthermore, it is shameful that the United Nations has failed to protect children from stalking, instead appearing to shield the stalking actions of the Swiss detective agency Ryffel AG, Zurich. The public follow-up letter was sent November 10th, 2024 and commented on X.